Books, Fabric & Yarn purchased in 2011

Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 UFO Challenge

Patchwork Times

I am going to join Judy's UFO Challenge. The rules are to pick 12 UFOs to work on and number them 1 to 12. On the first of every month Judy (or Vince) will pick a number, and that's the quilt we work on for the month. I have not sewn much in over 3 years. I know, it's very, very sad. After my former husband died in 2007, I just lost my mojo. I even bought a new Bernina 440 in 2009 before my surgery - thinking that I was ready to go, but I was wrong. I knit some this year but didn't sew because my sewing room was just not ready for prime time, and I wasn't able to lift much of anything. I know excuses, excuses. Well, I'm hoping that the excuses come to a screaching halt this year. I'm going to do my best to work on these projects. I am listing the project along with the amount of work that I plan to do to call it complete.

1. Pink and rose baby quilt - fix the pinwheel centers, quilt and bind.
2. First ever quilt - fix some piecing problems, quilt and bind.
3. Heart Quilt - finish putting the rows together, quilt and bind.
4. Road to Health - finish the blocks and get to top stage.
5. Southwest Whatever - get it to the top stage.
6. Blue work quilt - finish the embroidery and put together the top.

7. Louise Memorial Quilt - quilt and bind. Give to Lee.
8. Ohio Star Quilt - plan setting and put the top together.
9. Christmas Row by Row Quilt - put rows together, quilt and bind.
10. Flower Box Quilt - finish blocks and get top together.
11. Use blocks from circle quilt to make a tote.
12. One block small quilt for bathroom - quilt and bind.

I will have pictures for each of these quilts soon.

1 comment:

  1. Go For It!

    Just keep posting about your progress and we'll keep rooting for you.

    2011 will be a better year!

