Books, Fabric & Yarn purchased in 2011

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year - - Choices

Yes, another new year begins. WooHoo, I guess.

I guess I don't sound too excited.  After two months of "retirement," I find that my biggest problem is making a decision about what to do. Yes, there are way too many choices!!!  I feel just like the woman in the picture - somewhat crazed.  Hell, maybe a lot crazed.
While I was still working (and not just looking for a job in this impossible market), I thought I didn't have time to do all the things that I wanted to do.  I had lists of quilting and knitting and needlework ideas, more lists of books to read and classes to take, still more lists of projects I wanted to do around the house and places to go.  The list of lists can go on and on.  Now, theoritically, I have more time.  That's not true; I actually do have more time.  I can do a few of the things on my lists.  I cannot do all of them at least not this week, month, year or probably even decade, and I find myself stuck.  Just STUCK.  If I start this then I can't do that.  Sounds like a luxury problem of abundance to me, and it is; but it's driving me frigging crazy.

So, I've decided to post a few goals for each month here. Then I can hold myself accountable - and I will have to make a decision in order to write (yes, another) list.

I have only one actual resolution for this year:  No more surgeries.  I'm tired of getting fixed and healing.

Good luck - Enjoy 2012 - Make it yours - I'm gonna try to make it mine!!

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