Books, Fabric & Yarn purchased in 2011

Sunday, October 14, 2012

BlockBase Sew Along

Another project - yep, another one.  I think I'm quickly approaching too many irons in the fire.  Approaching, but not quite there yet.

I decided to participate in the BlockBase Sew Along.  I've had BlockBase for years, and I love it for ideas for blocks for samplers.  It's also great if I'm looking for a block with a name that goes with a particular theme.  This week's block is #1336 and goes by the name of Seesaw.

I didn't actually sew my block until I saw the post that it was time to share.  That is how I decided how to color my block.  I knew it was going to be purple with a white background.  One of my dear friend's favorite color is purple, so I thought that I could get started on a quilt for her by making these blocks purple.  My blocks will be 9".  Here's my first one:

Now where was I . . . . . . .

Last week I attended PIQF (Pacific International Quilt Festival) which is held at the Santa Clara Convention Center near my home each year.  Oh, what a lovely show! Over the next week I'll show some of the pictures that I took at the show.  What a happy (though tiring) day I had.  I viewed all the quilts but didn't make it to all the vendors, oh darn!!  I didn't even spend all that much money (how did that happen)??

I've sewn a bit, so without further ado . . . . .

Jack of Hearts Mystery

I've started the mystery quilt hosted by Heather Spence.

Here are my fabrics:
(Did you notice that old, old Moda designed by Robyn Pandolph?  Now she designs for RJR.)

And, here is Step One:

Aunt Eliza's Star

This block is from the Grandmother's Choice, Votes for Women Block of the Week.  This week's block symbolizes child custody - or the lack there of - or the fight for fair child custody.  Barbara Brackman includes an history lesson each week when presenting the block.  I thought this week's lesson was especially interesting.  I think it MUST have been heart-breaking for women to lose their children if they needed to leave a bad or abusive marriage.

We've come a long way, Baby.  We must not let our hard-won rights be threatened!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Feeling Behind!!

Yeah, I'm feeling behind - behind on this hobby that I love. That's not how I want to think or how I want to feel, and I know from experience if I let myself make rigid goals for quilting that I'll stop.  I'll just become overwhelmed, and I won't sew for weeks or months or maybe even years.  I've done this before, and I'm just not going to let myself fall into that trap again.  I love to sew, so I'm going to be kind to myself and sew when I can, when I feel like it, and when it fits into my schedule.  I was out of town for several days, and I didn't get to sew while I was gone - - - that's all.


I started the Women of the Bible quilt for many reasons.  First, a friend of mine showed me her beautiful black and batik quilt which she made while participating in the study, and secondly, I thought it would be fun to look at the women in the Bible from a different point of view than I had when I first studied these women.  That point of view is decidedly feminist and secular.  I feel a little bit awkward sharing my view within the group, so I will say what I think here.  The things that I say are my own thoughts and are not meant to upset anyone (but they may).  That said, last week we studied Sarah. This story was difficult for me.  It is not as I remembered it. Sarah had a pretty rough life.  The thing that really got to me was that Abraham "gave" Sarah to other men - first to Pharaoh then to Abimelech, the king of Gerar, and he said that Sarah was his sister. He did this to save his own skin. This whole idea is pretty appalling to me especially when I think that Abraham is the father of the the great society that is to become the Jews. So, I decided to make Sarah's block primarily blue. Mostly for her sadness but also because she was finally given a baby boy in her old age.

THQA-2 Week Three

Aren't they cute?  These are the blocks for the THQA-2 for last week.  I just love them, and they were simple easy to make. I love the movement in these blocks. I've introduced a cream/light tan color as a light. I'll need to remember to have at least one "darker" light each week.  

This quilt will be for one of my grandsons.  I think he will like it.  :-)

Monday, October 1, 2012

What I did Saturday - - -

Another block.  New Jersey. This one is for my Sufferage Quilt.

I had such a good time making this block.  OK, I've said I was a slow-poke before, but this will PROVE it.  It took me two hours to pick fabric, cut it, and complete the block.  Due to pain, I usually restrict my sewing to one hour (or one CD length), but I was feeling pretty well and was having so much fun that I pushed on through.  I think it turned out pretty well.  I am enjoying using all the florals.  I'll start putting the blocks together soon.  I'm doing a straight sashed set, so I can start putting the blocks together right away. That way I'll know when I need a color, a bright, a dark or another "thing" that the quilt wants.  Yes, my quilts talk to me; don't yours talk to you?