Books, Fabric & Yarn purchased in 2011

Sunday, October 14, 2012

BlockBase Sew Along

Another project - yep, another one.  I think I'm quickly approaching too many irons in the fire.  Approaching, but not quite there yet.

I decided to participate in the BlockBase Sew Along.  I've had BlockBase for years, and I love it for ideas for blocks for samplers.  It's also great if I'm looking for a block with a name that goes with a particular theme.  This week's block is #1336 and goes by the name of Seesaw.

I didn't actually sew my block until I saw the post that it was time to share.  That is how I decided how to color my block.  I knew it was going to be purple with a white background.  One of my dear friend's favorite color is purple, so I thought that I could get started on a quilt for her by making these blocks purple.  My blocks will be 9".  Here's my first one:

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